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Nurse Education: Melanoma & Skin Cancer

The Melanoma & Skin Cancer Nurses Organisation (MSCNO) have established an expert panel to develop a series of nurse education modules.

There are 5 modules, each providing tailored information relevant to nurses already working in skin cancer or hoping to move into the field of skin cancer.

All modules are endorsed by the Australian College of Nursing according to Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Endorsed Course Standards.

These modules include:

  • Melanoma Epidemiology and Pathophysiology
  • Melanoma Staging, Prognosis and Investigations
  • Systemic and Local Treatments for Melanoma
  • Management and follow up of melanoma patients on systemic treatments
  • Patient Case Studies

Are you a nurse or health care worker interested in expanding your knowledge in skin cancer and melanoma? Register below:

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Melanoma Epidemiology and Pathophysiology

Melanoma Epidemiology and Pathophysiology

With one of the highest incident rates in the world, melanoma is often referred to as Australia’s cancer. The importance of early detection has led to sun awareness becoming a big part of Australian life.

CPD hours: 1

Melanoma Staging, Prognosis and Investigations

Melanoma Staging, Prognosis and Investigations

To help you understand more about the varying severity of the disease, Module 2 will look at staging in melanoma and how this impacts treatment.

CPD hours : 1

Systemic and Local Treatments for Melanoma

Systemic and Local Treatments for Melanoma

To help you understand more about the treatment options for melanoma patients, Module 3 will look local and systemic therapy options approved for melanoma patients, as well as Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) restrictions.

CPD hours: 1

Management and follow up of melanoma patients on systemic treatments

Management and follow up of melanoma patients on systemic treatments

To help you understand more about the practicality of treating melanoma patients, Module 4 will look at understand the AEs of melanoma treatment options, the importance of patient education, understanding health literacy and informed decision making, and survivorship

CPD hours: 1.5

Melanoma Patient Case Studies

Patient Case Studies

In this module, you will be able to put into practice the key learning objectives you have learnt over modules 1-4.

CPD hours: 1.5

Shining a light on Melanoma & Skin Cancer: The Nursing Perspective

24 October, Sydney 2024

The Melanoma & Skin Cancer Nurses Organisation (MSCNO), together with MSCAN are very excited to host the inaugural conference for all nurses working in melanoma and skin cancer.

It’s a terrific program covering skin cancer prevention, early detection, through diagnosis, treatment and beyond.

This is the first inaugural conference of it’s kind for nurses, the backbone of our healthcare system.

The Melanoma & Skin Cancer Nurses Organisation

The MSCNO is focused on delivering information, resources and education by nurses to nurses. MSCNO’s goal is to reach all nurses working in skin cancer in Australia.

Contact MSCNO

Get in touch with the Melanoma & Skin Cancer Nurses Organisation

Register for Nurse Education

Are you a nurse or health care worker interested in expanding your knowledge in skin cancer and melanoma?

Request Patient Resources

Printed resources are available for melanoma and skin cancer nurses and health professionals.