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Spot On Resource

Send me a copy of the Spot on Resource for Advanced Melanoma.

The Spot on Resource is a helpful guide for people with an advanced melanoma diagnosis, their families and friends.

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The Melanoma and Skin Cancer Advocacy Network (MSCAN, we) is collecting your personal information to provide you with our Spot on Resource about melanoma and skin cancer. We may use your personal information to contact you about future MSCAN resources and fundraising, and to support our research and advocacy for the melanoma and skin cancer community. By providing your information, you are consenting to MSCAN collecting and storing this information. If you do not provide us with your personal information, we may be unable to provide you with the Spot on Resource. We will not disclose your personal information. We do use and disclose de-identified information to analyse the instances of different cancers in our community and contribute to our innovation and advocacy activities. Information about accessing or correcting your personal information, or making a privacy complaint, is in our Privacy Policy on our website.