Information regarding your skin check appointment
Thank you for taking a step towards skin cancer awareness and prevention.
Before your appointment
It is important to do a skin self-check prior to your appointment so you can discuss any areas of concern with the dermatologist.
Learn how to check your own skin here
If you wear nail polish, please ensure this is removed prior to your appointment as melanoma can appear under your nails. If you wear makeup or have face moisturiser on – it is preferred that this is also removed prior to your appointment. Having a clean face will enable the doctor to adequately assess your skin.
Skin history form
Once you book in your appointment, we will send you a skin history form to gather prior information about your skin’s history. If you have a record of being sunburnt, are regularly exposed to the sun and UV, have fair skin, don’t often use sunscreen or have a family history of melanoma, you could be at a high risk of developing skin cancer.
What to expect at your appointment
The skin cancer check will involve discussion of risk factors and clinical examination by a specialist dermatologist. Each appointment will take approximately 15-20 minutes and the appointments and results remain confidential. Skin cancers can appear ANYWHERE there is skin, so a full-body skin check is recommended. The dermatologist will request you to undress to your undergarments and a patient examination gown is provided for your comfort. However, you are welcome to get a partial-body check or particular spot/s checked if you prefer.
The Melanoma & Skin Cancer Advocacy Network (MSCAN) is an innovative, consumer-led, national charity established to advance the battle against melanoma and skin cancer and reduce the impact of the disease on all Australians. It’s time to get skin serious!
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If you’re keen to work with us to host a skin check day at your conference or event, get in touch with us.