We are committed to:
- representing the voice of those impacted by a melanoma / skin cancer diagnosis and their families.
- advocating for positive health policy reform to ensure timely and equitable diagnosis, treatment and management for all Australians.
- working with the Parliamentary Friends of Melanoma and Skin Cancer to ensure strong engagement at the political level.
- advocating for a targeted screening program and working with the government and other key stakeholders to fund and facilitate its implementation.
MSCAN advocates for the myriad of rights of those affected by a melanoma or non-melanoma skin cancer diagnosis. Through our support of innovative research and engagement with government, research organisations and industry stakeholders MSCAN continually aims to ensure skin cancer receives the attention and funding it deserves.
The needs of people living with a skin cancer diagnosis have changed considerably over the past decade in Australia. While skin cancer still accounts for around 80% of all new cancer diagnoses, there have been significant innovations in screening, treatment and clinical care. MSCAN is focused on achieving equitable access for all Australians, regardless of where they live or their financial means. We are particularly focused on ensuring that rural and regional Australians do not face any barriers to accessing treatment or clinicians due to their more remote location.
On the Spot with advocates from around the world
Founder and director of MSCAN Tamara Dawson is On the Spot with advocates from around the world at the Melanoma International Patient Advocates Coalition and Post-Chicago Melanoma & Skin Cancer Meeting.
Our current advocacy priorities
MSCAN is focused on listening to, representing and informing the skin cancer community from early detection through to coping with a serious diagnosis. We’re championing equitable access to healthcare. We’re working hard to encourage more funding for research, clinical trials and a committed advocacy approach.
How you can help
We believe one of the most effective ways to raise issues of importance within our community is to write directly to our local MPs to provide a personal insight into the issues faced by those within our electorates. Your individual experience is important and helps reiterate and consolidate the broader narrative MSCAN is promoting.
Contact your local Federal Member of Parliament and highlight the need for increased attention, research and financial and policy support for people affected by a skin cancer diagnosis.
Outline how you have been touched by a melanoma / skin cancer diagnosis and sharing your experience.
Call on your MP to review the current state of funding and attention given to skin cancer.
Detail your support for the development of a targeted national screening program for skin cancer.
Find your local MP – click here

Copy us in
We would also love to hear your story to allow us to advocate for you too, and keep you informed of any updates. Please forward your letter and any response you receive to us via email.