The Melanoma & Skin Cancer Advocacy Network (MSCAN) provides an innovative approach to tackle Australia’s national cancer.
We have the highest incidence of skin cancer in the world. It’s time for Australia to get skin serious.
MSCAN’s mission is to listen to, represent and inform the melanoma / skin cancer community with a focus on three key areas:

Innovation in
Research & Care
MSCAN advocates for innovative approaches to skin cancer health: prevention, diagnosis, treatment, trials, care & survivorship. We’re particularly focused on regional & rural Australia.

Advocacy &
Influencing Policy
MSCAN is committed to representing the voice of patients and their families
How to do a self skin check
The vast majority of skin cancers are visible on the skin. There is a good chance of detecting the disease in its early stages if you know what to look for. The best way to find them is to regularly self-examine your own skin.
Learn how to check your own skin.
Who are we?
The MSCAN Board are skin serious.
The MSCAN Board have all been personally impacted by Melanoma and Skin Cancer.
The MSCAN Board have come together due to frustrations that not enough is being done, when the solution is within our reach.
The MSCAN Board bring together complimentary skills in patient advocacy, government policy, pharmaceutical knowledge, finance and marketing.
Get skin serious with us and help save lives.

Check today’s UV
UV stands for UltraViolet radiation. It’s the type of radiation present in energy from the sun. UV radiation cannot be seen or felt. It is not like the sun’s light which we see, or the sun’s warmth (infrared radiation) which we feel. The UV rays cause DNA damage in skin cells without us knowing, which reduces the skin’s ability to replenish and form new cells, causing wrinkles, and most importantly, damages DNA that encourages cancer cells to grow.
Sun protection is needed when UV is 3 or above to reduce your risk of developing skin cancer.
SunSmart have taken the guesswork out of knowing UV levels.
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